One thing is important to us in advance: We do not believe that appreciation can be bought - neither with money alone nor with gifts. Appreciation is expressed in everyday work and should be lived by everyone. Nevertheless, small gifts or gifts for employees are a nice signal beyond the actual work - especially in stressful times like these.
In our shop in Hamburg-Ottensen, locals and tourists will find special gift ideas, souvenirs and souvenirs with HHerz; That means: maritime, regional with a sense of sustainability and with reference to our wonderful Free and Hanseatic City on the Elbe.
Our offer for companies pays into the same values. It's about making people happy with carefully selected products and expressing appreciation.
You are looking for something regional, charming, sustainable and above all simple? Then our pre-curated gift sets might just be the thing for you.
You have a rough idea and would like to have an individual gift set designed from it? Gladly! We are full of ideas and package them beautifully ...
Would you like to have your own collection or product for your company? A lot is also conceivable in this regard - from clothing to craft spirits.
Diese Firmengeschenke-Box enthält:
Diese Firmengeschenke-Box enthält:
Diese Firmengeschenke-Box enthält:
Diese Geschenk-Sets umfassen als Basis jeweils einen dekorativen, weißen Korb mit farbigem Seidenpapier.
Dieser Firmengeschenke-Korb, enthält:
Dieser Firmengeschenke-Korb enthält:
Dieser Firmengeschenke-Korb enthält:
Dieser Firmengeschenke-Korb enthält:
Dieser Firmengeschenke-Korb enthält:
Dieser Firmengeschenke-Korb enthält:
Wenn Mitarbeiter krank sind, bedeutet das natürlich einen Produktivitätsverlust für Ihr Unternehmen. Doch sollte das die einzige Betrachtungsweise aus Arbeitgeberperspektive sein?
Wer krank ist, dem geht es schlecht. Sich auch in dieser Situation wertgeschätzt zu fühlen, kann durchaus zur Genesung beitragen – und steigert mit Sicherheit die Identifikation mit dem Arbeitgeber sowie Motivation nach der Rückkehr an den Arbeitsplatz.
In diesem Sinne: Wünschen Sie Ihren Mitarbeitenden von HHerzen Gute Besserung. Wir unterstützen Sie gern dabei mit unserer Kreativität.
Hand on heart: Pregnancy is a classic "conflict of goals" between employer and employee. When the child comes, not only does a worker go, but also a lot of know-how. And of course the father likes to take a little more time for the first few months with the child.
Here in particular there is an opportunity to show appreciation to the parents-to-be or those who have become parents and to send them congratulations on the birth with a small gift.
On request, we offer the possibility of customizing certain baby gifts - and thus creating a charming connection to your company.
Decades of affiliation with the company is becoming increasingly rare. This makes anniversaries of company membership all the more special and important. Years of cooperation with customers or suppliers - a partnership anniversary, so to speak - can also be a worthy occasion for a thank you gift.
If you would like to approach this more creatively than with a bouquet of flowers or a bottle of sparkling wine, we will be happy to support you.
In our shop we offer our own clothing creations - creative motifs based on the Hanseatic lifestyle.
We also create individual collections for companies that convey the corporate spirit and thus the team spirit.
Our goal is to create charming employee gifts that are well received without being pandering.
Give your customers, business partners or employees the Hanseatic spirit of Christmas - with their own craft spirits made in Hamburg.
We design the product according to your wishes and based on your corporate design and compose a spirit according to your taste with our Hamburg partner distillery.